FDM showing error message “Application Failure”
After successfully reimage ASA to FTD and solving the confreg issue, I encountered another annoying issue when accessing the FDM. I can access the FDM login page, but after successful login, the FDM shows me the error message “Application Failure”.
I tried to re-initialize the device with the following commands from CLI:
- configure manager delete
- configure manager local
But to no avail. This is when I finally found the solution from this article on Cisco’s Bug Search Tool. You need to log in with a valid Cisco Account to view the bug description.
- Enter the expert shell from CLI with root access (sudo su -)
- Go to the below directory
1cd /ngfw/var/cisco/ngfwWebUi/ - Type command ls -al to check if a hidden file “.bootstrap-failed” is created in the directory
- If the file is present, remove it.
1rm .bootstrap-failed - Disable and enable tomcat
12pmtool disablebyid tomcatpmtool enablebyid tomcat
Wait for few minutes until tomcat comes up.
After performing above commands, I also do these to re-initialize the device.
WARNING: The config will be wiped if you run the below commands. Do at your own risk!
1 2 |
configure manager delete configure manager local |
Exit the CLI and wait for the bootstrap phase to complete. The duration of the bootstrap will vary depending on the hardware. While bootstrap is ongoing the user will be unable to connect to the FDM.
I need to do step 5 twice, and then do the configure manager delete and configure manager local again, then I can access the FDM without any issue.