Context-Visibility Error on Cisco ISE 3.0 How to Fix

I have got this Context-Visibility Error on Cisco ISE 3.0 when I’ve just finished installing the new deployment of Cisco ISE on one of my customers. At first, it seems like a certificate error message, but the certificates installed seemed right, no expired certificates and there is no problem with the Trusted Certificates and System Certificates.

context-visibility error

But when I dig down deeper into the sea of Cisco documentation, I’ve got the enlightenment from one of the threads in the Cisco Support Forum. It says that for this Context-Visibility error I just have to reset the Context-Visibility and then connect it to the database. It does not restart the Application Server, just a few interactive commands via the CLI to Cisco ISE console. The time I need to finish this task was only around 15 minutes. To put it into context, this is a single-node deployment, on a Virtual Machine with VM Small requirement. The time needed might be different in regard to your deployment condition. Without further ado, let’s get into business.

First, gain SSH access into the ISE CLI. When you have access, perform this command:

Then choose option 20 to reset the Context Visibility. It will take some time. Don’t close your console or send Ctrl + C at this time.

For the next step, we will sync the CV with the database, choose option 21. When it’s done, choose option 0 to exit.

Try to perform the command

to check whether the services are running well.

Try to log out and re-login into the Cisco ISE dashboard, the error should be disappeared.

This should fix the Context-Visibility Error on Cisco ISE 3.0. We can use the same method for the other version of ISE starting from version 2.3.

I hope this helps and is informative, please comment if you have any opinion. Thank you

context-visibility error

But when I dig down deeper into the sea of Cisco documentation, I’ve got the enlightenment from one of the threads in the Cisco Support Forum. It says that for this Context-Visibility error I just have to reset the Context-Visibility and then connect it to the database. It does not restart the Application Server, just a few interactive commands via the CLI to Cisco ISE console. The time I need to finish this task was only around 15 minutes. To put it into context, this is a single-node deployment, on a Virtual Machine with VM Small requirement. The time needed might be different in regard to your deployment condition. Without further ado, let’s get into business.

First, gain SSH access into the ISE CLI. When you have access, perform this command:


Then choose option 20 to reset the Context Visibility. It will take some time. Don’t close your console or send Ctrl + C at this time.


For the next step, we will sync the CV with the database, choose option 21. When it’s done, choose option 0 to exit.


Try to perform the command


to check whether the services are running well.


Try to log out and re-login into the Cisco ISE dashboard, the error should be disappeared.

This should fix the Context-Visibility Error on Cisco ISE 3.0. We can use the same method for the other version of ISE starting from version 2.3.

I hope this helps and is informative, please comment if you have any opinion. Thank you

context-visibility error

But when I dig down deeper into the sea of Cisco documentation, I’ve got the enlightenment from one of the threads in the Cisco Support Forum. It says that for this Context-Visibility error I just have to reset the Context-Visibility and then connect it to the database. It does not restart the Application Server, just a few interactive commands via the CLI to Cisco ISE console. The time I need to finish this task was only around 15 minutes. To put it into context, this is a single-node deployment, on a Virtual Machine with VM Small requirement. The time needed might be different in regard to your deployment condition. Without further ado, let’s get into business.

First, gain SSH access into the ISE CLI. When you have access, perform this command:


Then choose option 20 to reset the Context Visibility. It will take some time. Don’t close your console or send Ctrl + C at this time.


For the next step, we will sync the CV with the database, choose option 21. When it’s done, choose option 0 to exit.


Try to perform the command


to check whether the services are running well.


Try to log out and re-login into the Cisco ISE dashboard, the error should be disappeared.

This should fix the Context-Visibility Error on Cisco ISE 3.0. We can use the same method for the other version of ISE starting from version 2.3.

I hope this helps and is informative, please comment if you have any opinion. Thank you

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