Reset Password on Extreme SummitX460

We need to reset password for several possible reasons, forgot to set the local user account (this happened to me while I was labbing to simulate the environment to test the commands on the switch before implementation) or the password has been expired. These steps work for Extreme SummitX460 on XOS For older summit series, such as Alpine Series, you can try the steps from the following link. Continue Reading

Upgrade XOS dan Upload Config on Extreme X460 Switch

Sekedar catatan untuk upgrade dan upload config di switch Extreme X460. XOS yang digunakan XOS patch1-33.
XOS ini digunakan sebagai patch untuk XOS versi sebelumnya yang bermasalah terjadi flapping port pada saat implementasi RSTP di switch.

Silahkan diunduh file pdfnya di sini.

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